
Joined on 03 June, 2019


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Archives - August, 2019

Total count: 2
Persuasive Speech by Sarah Bailey
In this persuasive speech, I discuss the need for sex-ed and greater access to contraception in order to help prevent teenage pregnancy, which is a ma...
Created on 15 August, 2019by sbailey
Time: 00:06:23
Slides: 13
Views: 117 | Comments: 0 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0
Special Occasion Speech by Sarah Bailey
This is a commemorative speech in which I pay tribute to Dr. Leonard Bailey, as if I were presenting at the White Coat Ceremony of the LLU School of M...
Created on 15 August, 2019by sbailey
Time: 00:03:45
Slides: 9
Views: 89 | Comments: 0 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0

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