Conference Presentation Judo

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Created on 26 August, 2007by osnow



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Language: English Status: Public Category: Academic Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License
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Speaker: Mark Jason Dominus
Company/Organization: Plover Systems Co.
A substantial amount of the sense of this talk is not in the slides. This document will try to relate some of the things I said during the talk itself that might not otherwise be apparent. It may also elaborate, amplify, and explain where necessary.

The notes will also explain the jokes, so if you read the notes without reading the slides first, you'll be getting explanations of jokes you haven't heard, and none of it will be funny. So read the slides before the notes, or concurrently with the notes.

As in the talk itself, everything in these notes is intended seriously, even when it appears to be facetious.


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