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Speaker: Edwin Van Rijkom
This summer, Flash celebrated its second lustrum. Over the past decade it has revolutionized the way internet applications are interfaced. At one point desktop GUI's were superior to browser hosted GUI's but nowadays one could claim the opposite. Rich Desktop Applications (RDA's) are a rarity, whereas RIA's are everywhere. Microsoft is recognizing this and plans to bridge the gap with Avalon. Since Avalon will be a 'Windows Only' technology, the need for a cross-platform RDA standard will arise. At Screenweaver OS we feel that Flash should be that standard. In an effort to realize this, we are developing tools to use Flash interfaces outside the browser and bind them to business logic. During the presentation I will illustrate the above mentioned concepts by demonstrating Screenweaver Core and a new cross-platform prototype of Screenweaver 4.
Edwin van Rijkom is a full-time student in pursuit of his master's degree in Software Engineering at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. He is also the founder of the Screenweaver Open Source project that aims to contribute to a new, strong, Open Source platform for deploying Flash outside the browser. Prior to his studies Edwin developed numerous commercial Flash tools using C++ and Delphi. His personal site is